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Call for collaboration: support us promoting bee-friendly farming practices and EU honey

Updated: Mar 3, 2022

Are you interested in supporting a promotion campaign for bee-friendly farming practices and the consumption of local honey in Europe?

Then you can help us make the EU Bee Lovers promotion project a reality. BeeLife European Beekeeping Coordination is launching a Call for Collaboration to raise funding to raise awareness about the importance of bees, pollinators, and bee-friendly farming practices.

The main objectives of the project, which was selected for the EU AGRI Promotion Call in 2021 are:

  1. to highlight the opportunities for sustainability in EU agriculture for bees and pollinators

  2. to stress the beneficial role of beekeeping and pollinators for climate and biodiversity

  3. to increase the consumption of local honey

Even though we won this project, we need financial support to start the activities. For this reason, we would like to reach donors who would financially support the EU Bee Lovers project and its activities that would start from the second half of 2022.

Among others, your company/association could profit from the following dissemination activities:

  • promotion in social media and online newsletters

  • visibility at press releases for EU decision-makers

  • visibility at seminars organised for the farmer's community in Belgium and at the European level

  • visibility in videos for the general public

BeeLife is looking to create win-win situations to promote beekeepers, farmers, energy producers or anyone who share and follow the same values and philosophy in supporting bees and pollinators.

If you are a beekeeper's/farmer's cooperative, agri-business, land manager, a company producing melliferous energy crops, etc. and would be interested in financially supporting the campaign please contact us for more info at



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