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The EU Pollinator Hub

The EU Pollinator Hub is a new milestone in efforts to improve conditions for pollinators and all relevant stakeholders in Europe. It features an online collective approach to sharing harmonised and standardised data on pollinators to monitor their health and target actions to protect them.  It is a unique online platform that integrates and centralises data related to pollinators, bees, beekeeping, and other relevant data for the agricultural sector.  The Hub is the first online tool aiming at empowering a vast community of stakeholders gathering and requiring data related to pollinator health. 

Call for Collaboration

Several organisations, European and national projects, and the EU Bee Partnership are already committed to supplying data for the platform, would you like to join them?


Are you involved in a national or a European project, where data related to pollinators are produced? Your organisation has a lot of data and you would be interested in sharing it?

Are you a professional beekeeper and would like to see your data visualised on an interactive map?


We are open to different collaborations be it data providing, technological or monetary contributions.


Contact us to explore how you can support and benefit from collaborating with us on the development of the platform.


*Please note that the ownership of the data stays with its provider with full rights to any modification. The platform only serves as a database with a visual interface, but not taking any rights regarding the ownership of the data.

Project Partners

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Project coordination and communication

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Data analyses, visualisation and communication

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Steirischer Landsverband für Bienenzucht

Data acquisition and validation

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Zip solutions

Platform design and design implementation




European Food Safety Authority - EFSA (EU)

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1050 Brussels, Belgium

32(0)48 69 73 920

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