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Does EU Law on GMOs Enable a High Level of Environmental Protection to be Achieved

Roadmap for action on the environmental risk assessment of chemicals forinsect pollinators(IPol-ERA)

EU Pollinator Hub Workshop on Data Sharing and Standardisation December 2022

A CAP for Pollinators

Continue the efforts to strengthen the EU Pollinators Initiative

Bee-Friendly Plant Breeding

Activity Report 2023

Eine GAP für Bestäuber

Una PAC per gli impollinatori

Una PAC para los Polinizadores

Une PAC pour les pollinisateurs

Position Paper on CAP post 2020

Why We Need Bees as Indicators in the Next CAP

How Pesticides Used in Livestock Farming Threaten Bees

Comment les pesticides utilisés dans les élevages menacent les abeilles

Ideal Shaping of the EU Pollinator Initiative

Bee Emergency Call

CAP and Pollinators

When Science and Biodiversity Meet Economic Interests

Quando Scienza e Biodiversità 
Incontrano Interessi Economici

Quand la science et la protection de la biodiversité rencontrent des intérêts économiques

Cuando la Ciencia y la Protección de la Biodiversidad se Encuentran con Intereses Económicos

Wenn Wissenchaft und der Schutz der Biodiversität auf Wirtschaftliche Interessen stossen

Bees and Agriculture

Activity Report 2020

BeeLife Rapport d'activités 2020

BeeLife Activity Report 2019

BeeLife Rapport d'activités 2019

BeeLife Activity Report 2014

BeeLife Activity Report 2015

Struggle for the Implementation of New Pesticide Assessment Methods with Regards to Bees The Truth behind the Excuses

Bee-Friendly Plant Breeding

Tactics Used by Agro-Chemical Industries to Impose and Maintain Harmful Pesticides on the Market

Neonicotinoids and Water

Les Néonicotinoïdes et l'eau

Los Neonicotinoides y el Agua

I Neonicotinoidi e Acqua

EFSA Guidance New Methodologies to Assess the Risks of Pesticides to Bees

Is the Future of Bees in the Hands of the Pesticide Lobby?

Le futur des abeilles est-il entre les mains du lobby des pesticides?

¿El Futuro de las Abejas en Manos del Lobby de Plaguicidas?

Environmental Risk Assessment for Honeybees
State of play and Future Proposals 2010

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