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Now Live: Tool to Discover the Score of MEPs on Bee Protection - #EUElection2024

As European citizens prepare to exercise their democratic rights at the polls (6-9 June 2024), it is crucial to recognise the significant role this election plays in shaping the future of environmental protection and the survival of bees. Our investigation into the voting patterns of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) on bee-related matters has led to the creation of a practical tool to empower citizens to cast a bee-friendly vote, knowing that their choice can make a real difference.

This website analyses the voting records of MEPs on policies relevant to bees, pollinators, and beekeeping based on their behaviour over the last five years of the legislature. It shows how coherent they have been in protecting bees, the planet, and EU farming. In this 2024 elections, vote informed.

(Access the MEP Bee-Coherent Score Tool at

Our newly developed tool is designed to simplify your understanding of MEPs' stance on bee issues. Based on their voting records, it assigns a score from 0 to 100 (0 being the most detrimental to bees and 100 the most beneficial). You can easily search for individual MEPs, explore voting trends by country, and even track the voting patterns of political groups at the European Parliament.

Before casting your vote, consider pollinators' essential role in maintaining healthy ecosystems. A healthy environment requires healthy pollinators. Ultimately, the future of our food security and achieving a fair and sustainable European agriculture is one where pollinators thrive.

The Bee-Coherent Score is calculated based on voting behaviour on key EU legislative proposals that impact pollinator health, including:

  • EU Pollinator Initiative

  • Nature Restoration Law

  • Common Agricultural Policy

  • Resolution on Pesticide Risk Assessment of Bees and Pollinators

  • Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation

  • New Genomic Techniques (New Genetically Modified Organisms, GMOs)

  • Honey Directive (beekeeping sector)

(More information about the score's methodology is available in the methodology page of the tool)

After reviewing your candidate's #beeCoherent score, do you want to make sure they commit to achieving a bee-friendly Europe?

With the European elections on the horizon, we launched a series of pledges for candidates for the European Parliament to commit to pollinator-friendly policies. These pledges are not just promises but a roadmap towards a Europe with healthy fields, sustainable and fair agriculture, and thriving pollinators. These commitments aim to bring about positive change, and we invite you to share in our optimism.


(Are you a candidate? Sign the pledges.



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