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EU Elections 2024 Pledges for Pollinators

The 2024 European elections will be decisive for the future of our environment, pollinators, and the sustainability of our food production. The EU will also have the option of either fulfilling its ambitious environmental commitments or stagnating in business as usual. 

Protecting pollinators concerns us all. Our ecosystems rely on their services for the food we eat and to maintain a healthy environment. It is now commonly known that if pollinators are doing poorly,  important issues abound and affect wildlife, human health, and economic performance.  

As a candidate for the European Parliament, you will play a vital role in building tomorrow’s Europe. We present the following pledges for you to let your potential voters know that you will stand for the protection of pollinators and the necessary sustainability it entails. 

We invite you as a candidate to sign this pledge at the bottom of this page and strive towards a Europe where we can Bee-Coherent in our commitments and our policies!


Are you a citizen? Share these pledges with your candidates!

We have created a new page analysing the votes of Members of the European Parliament and their political groups during their last term (2019-2024) on key policies for the protection of bees and pollinators. The page grants a #beeCoherent score to MEPs.

This page informs citizens to cast a bee-friendly vote and MEPs to highlight their genuine commitment to the protection of bees.

10 points for a pollinators-friendly European Union



  • The need for collective action to protect pollinators and their habitats.

  • The need to support the development and implementation of pollinator strategies.

  • The need for science-based policies, notably regarding the different crises we are facing, more than ever.

The agroecological transition needs to be supported to allow our environment to be more resilient.

During my mandate, 

I will work to fill the gaps left by the European Green Deal and achieve ambitious and necessary sustainable developments for the protection of pollinators.

I will work to achieve the necessary agro transition towards a healthy environment in which the decline of pollinators is halted and reversed and secure resilience to growing challenges produced by climate change.

I will support a new legislative bill on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation (SUR) and a constructive reform of the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP), ensuring a green CAP and the adoption of the Sustainable Food System Law and improving a Reform of the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH).

From a more general perspective, I will support:


We invite you as a candidate to sign this pledge and start committing towards a Europe where we can Bee-Coherent in our commitments and our policies!

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