With elections for the European Parliament just around the corner, citizens are preparing to shape Europe's future. At BeeLife, we stand for a well-informed democracy. That is why we recently presented a BeeCoherent score, measuring the performance of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) on some of the most pressing legislative bills impacting bees. MEPs' work directly impacts the European landscape, the environment, and biodiversity, making your vote on this 6-9 June crucial.
To highlight MEPs committed to shaping a bee-friendly Europe, we present the #beeCoherent Awards. This award is granted to MEPs who are once more candidates for the European elections for their legislative work to ensure that Europe protects bees and fulfils its commitment to 'halt and reverse the decline of pollinators'. Awarded MEPs have proven to act according to their environmental commitments concerning bees.
(See the complete list of award recipients below)
Before the elections, we celebrate these champions of bees in the EU and hope their work will continue and inspire others in the 2024-2029 legislature.
For detractors of measures that will help protect bees and other pollinators (MEPs with lower BeeCoherent scores), we at BeeLife reiterate our commitment to working together. We support scientific-based policies and will continue to present fact-based arguments for efficient and safe policies that ensure bees and pollinators can fulfil their essential role in maintaining healthy ecosystems, a fair agriculture and a healthy Europe.
(Sample of BeeCoherent Award Certificates)
Recently, we launched a series of pledges for candidates for the European Parliament to commit to pollinator-friendly policies. These pledges are not just promises but a roadmap towards a Europe with healthy fields, sustainable and fair agriculture, and thriving pollinators.
(Are you a candidate? Sign the pledges.)
(Are you a concerned citizen? Find out if your candidate has signed the pledges to #beeCoherent for a pollinator-friendly future. If not, share it with them and ask them to commit to work for our bees!).
#BeeCoherent Awardees (2019-2024 MEPs & returning candidates for 2024-2025):
Photo and BeeCoherent Score | Group | First Name | Last Name | Party | Country |
S&D | Hannes | HEIDE | Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs | Austria | |
S&D | Evelyn | REGNER | Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs | Austria | |
S&D | Andreas | SCHIEDER | Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs | Austria | |
S&D | Günther | SIDL | Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs | Austria | |
Verts/ALE | Thomas | WAITZ | Die Grünen - Die Grüne Alternative | Austria | |
The Left | Marc | BOTENGA | Parti du Travail de Belgique | Belgium | |
Verts/ALE | Saskia | BRICMONT | Ecologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes Originales | Belgium | |
Verts/ALE | Sara | MATTHIEU | Groen | Belgium | |
NA | Tsvetelina | PENKOVA | Bulgarian Socialist Party | Bulgaria | |
S&D | Biljana | BORZAN | Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske | Croatia | |
S&D | Predrag Fred | MATIĆ | Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske | Croatia | |
S&D | Tonino | PICULA | Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske | Croatia | |
NA | Niyazi | KIZILYÜREK | Progressive Party of Working People - Left - New Forces | Cyprus | |
NA | Sirpa | PIETIKÄINEN | Kansallinen Kokoomus | Finland | |
The Left | Leila | CHAIBI | La France Insoumise | France | |
S&D | Pierre | LARROUTUROU | Nouvelle Donne | France | |
Verts/ALE | Damien | CARÊME | Europe Écologie | France | |
The Left | Manon | AUBRY | La France Insoumise | France | |
Verts/ALE | Marie | TOUSSAINT | Europe Écologie | France | |
The Left | Emmanuel | MAUREL | Gauche républicaine et socialiste | France | |
S&D | Pascal | DURAND | Liste Renaissance | France | |
Verts/ALE | Benoît | BITEAU | Europe Écologie | France | |
Verts/ALE | David | CORMAND | Europe Écologie | France | |
Verts/ALE | Caroline | ROOSE | Europe Écologie | France | |
Verts/ALE | Mounir | SATOURI | Europe Écologie | France | |
The Left | Marina | MESURE | La France Insoumise | France | |
Verts/ALE | Claude | GRUFFAT | Europe Écologie | France | |
Verts/ALE | Malte | GALLÉE | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Germany | |
Verts/ALE | Manuela | RIPA | Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei | Germany | |
Verts/ALE | Anna | DEPARNAY-GRUNENBERG | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Germany | |
Verts/ALE | Katrin | LANGENSIEPEN | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Germany | |
Verts/ALE | Erik | MARQUARDT | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Germany | |
The Left | Martin | SCHIRDEWAN | DIE LINKE. | Germany | |
Verts/ALE | Anna | CAVAZZINI | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Germany | |
NI | Martin | SONNEBORN | Die PARTEI | Germany | |
S&D | Maria | NOICHL | Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands | Germany | |
Verts/ALE | Rasmus | ANDRESEN | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Germany | |
Verts/ALE | Daniel | FREUND | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Germany | |
Verts/ALE | Alexandra | GEESE | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Germany | |
Verts/ALE | Terry | REINTKE | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Germany | |
NA | Konstantinos | ARVANITIS | Coalition of the Radical Left | Greece | |
The Left | Luke Ming | FLANAGAN | Independent | Ireland | |
The Left | Clare | DALY | Independents for change | Ireland | |
The Left | Mick | WALLACE | Independents for change | Ireland | |
Verts/ALE | Ciarán | CUFFE | Green Party | Ireland | |
Verts/ALE | Grace | O'SULLIVAN | Green Party | Ireland | |
Renew | Sophia | IN 'T VELD | Independent | Netherlands | |
Verts/ALE | Tineke | STRIK | GroenLinks | Netherlands | |
Verts/ALE | Kim | VAN SPARRENTAK | GroenLinks | Netherlands | |
S&D | Włodzimierz | CIMOSZEWICZ | Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej - Unia Pracy | Poland | |
NA | Łukasz | KOHUT | Nowa Lewica | Poland | |
NA | Nicolae | ŞTEFĂNUȚĂ | Independent | Romania | |
Renew | Martin | HOJSÍK | Progresívne Slovensko | Slovakia | |
Verts/ALE | Jordi | SOLÉ | Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya | Spain | |
Verts/ALE | Ernest | URTASUN | Catalunya en Comú | Spain | |
NA | Malin | BJÖRK | Vänsterpartiet | Sweden | |
Verts/ALE | Pär | HOLMGREN | Miljöpartiet de gröna | Sweden | |
S&D | Johan | DANIELSSON | Arbetarepartiet- Socialdemokraterna | Sweden | |
Verts/ALE | Alice | KUHNKE | Miljöpartiet de gröna | Sweden | |
Verts/ALE | Jakop G. | DALUNDE | Miljöpartiet de gröna | Sweden |
Eligible MEPs were selected above the threshold of 90 BeeCoherent Score.
For more information about the score, visit https://bee-life.mepwatch.eu/methodology.html