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Stay buzzing with the latest updates on pollinator protection, biodiversity, and our fight for a greener future!

Oct 10, 2018
BeeLife Reaffirms its Support to the Conclusions of the International Monsanto Tribunal
- Français - Español - During several years, BeeLife has expressed its support to the International Monsanto Tribunal, and today we...
May 23, 2017
Fighting Glyophosate's dangers
The high popularity of glyphosate-based products has led to an agriculture that incentives its use even when not necessary. 1 in 2 people...

Mar 8, 2017
Lies about Glyphosate
This video by WeMove shortly shows some truths about glyphosate and why we must ask for its ban. To sign the petition click here
Oct 29, 2015
Glyphosate - Need for a robust and credible scientific assessment of carcinogenicity
Cancer groups, health and environment NGOs call for emergency EU glyphosate ban 29 October 2015 A coalition of NGOs, including Bee Life,...
Oct 29, 2015
Stop Glyphosate
Cancer groups, health and environment NGOs call for emergency EU glyphosate ban 29 October 2015 A coalition of NGOs, including Bee Life,...
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