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Stay buzzing with the latest updates on pollinator protection, biodiversity, and our fight for a greener future!
Nov 7, 2013
Neonicotinoids: what do we need in Europe to open our eyes and ban these unsafe pesticides for the e
The Member States of the EU did not achieve on the 15th of March a decision for the ban of three widely used insecticides directly linked...
Aug 20, 2013
Bees die on sunflower in Italy
Tuesday 20 August 2013 New alert in Italy, were bees are dying on sunflower crops. Multiple cases of honeybee colony decline and...
Aug 1, 2013
Doors keep revolving: government bee scientist joins pesticide industry
Press release, Brussels, 1.08.2013 - It has been announced that Dr. Helen Thompson, the UK government’s senior Bee Scientist at the Food...
Jul 3, 2013
FAQ on neonicotinoids: harmful insecticides for bees
Share and follow a discussion on neonicotinoids on the beekeeping exchange group of the TECA Forum. TECA is a platform from the FAO...
Jun 5, 2013
Our recommendations for the vote on fipronil
-Position- Ideally, a total suspension of fipronil is desired. Also avoid new authorization during the ban period. Besides, not only...
Apr 30, 2013
Europe on the right track to protect bees!
EU-wide citizens’ actions and petitions in support of the European Commission’s proposal to prohibit three neonicotinoid insecticides...

Mar 26, 2013
Pesticides: WHAT'S NEXT?
When farming or gardening, the fear of - insects, weeds, diseases, loss of yields - can lead to the use of pesticides. On the market, a...
May 25, 2012
On May 23rd the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) published its scientific opinion on how pesticide-risk for bees should be assessed....
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