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Stay buzzing with the latest updates on pollinator protection, biodiversity, and our fight for a greener future!

May 5, 2022
The EU Commission restricts the use of sulfoxaflor to indoor use only
The EU Commission announced in April, that it will adopt legislation in the coming weeks to restrict the use of sulfoxaflor-based...

Aug 20, 2018
Sulfoxaflor, a Not so Bee-Friendly "Alternative"
- Français - Español - With overwhelming evidence on the risks that neonicotinoids, mainly Clothianidin, Imidacloprid and Thiamethoxam...
Jan 7, 2016
Flashnews: October-November-December 2015
Access the full document here
Nov 3, 2015
Bee Life challenges the authorization of sulfoxaflor at EU Court of Justice
COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE Louvain la Neuve, 3 Novembre 2015 Le 22 Octobre 2015, Bee Life, UNAAPI et PAN Europe ont introduit conjointement un...
Oct 15, 2015
FACT SHEET - Sulfoxaflor and bees
Sulfoxaflor has recently come onto the market in China (Shao et al. 2013) and the USA (Dow Agro Sciences 2013; USEPA 2013), was reviewed...
Oct 14, 2015
European attempts to say no to Sulfoxaflor, another systemic insecticide just authorised by the Comm
PRESS RELEASE Bruxelles, 14 October 2015 On the 27 July 2015, the EU Commission and EU Member States agreed to authorise the release of a...
Sep 1, 2015
Letter to Commissioner Andriukaitis - Pesticide authorisation and risks of bees 01-09-2015
Letter to Commissioner Andriukaitis complaining about the latest authorizations of pesticide active ingredients in Europe and criticizing...
Aug 13, 2015
Shock and dismay as the EU allows a new bee-killing insecticide
Press Release Shock and dismay as the EU allows a new bee-killing insecticide When would policymakers learn from past decisions? On...
May 7, 2013
Annex I - Letter to Commissioner Borg: Neonicotinoids and future challenges
Annex I. Comments on the Draft Assessment Report of Sulfoxaflor attached to the letter sent to Commissioner Borg on the 07-05-2013 Access...
May 7, 2013
Letter to Commissioner Borg - Neonicotinoids and future challenges 07-05-2013
Letter sent to Commissioner Borg concerning the latest developments on the dossier neonicotinoid insecticides at the moment and the new...
May 7, 2013
Annex II - Letter to Commissioner Borg : Neonicotinoids and future challenges
Annex II - letter to Commissioner Borg: Neonicotinoids and future challenges 07-05-2013 You can find in this document some scientific...
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