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Press Release - Chimiver supports BeeLife European Beekeeping Coordination through its CSR Programme


Chimiver supports BeeLife European Beekeeping Coordination through its Corporate Social Responsibility Programme

The family-owned Italian company Chimiver is the first company engaging in the long run to support BeeLife European Beekeeping Coordination activities.

Chimiver has developed a new product called Oil Bee, a product using European beeswax for the protection of wooden floors and surfaces. Chimiver supports BeeLife through its Corporate Social Responsibility Programme, with a series of donations based on a variable sum of the total annual revenue of the product Oil Bee in 2022 and 2023.

For Chimiver, choosing BeeLife is a natural consequence of the path taken by a company that focuses on innovation, which has set itself the ambitious goal of becoming totally sustainable in the coming years. Not just reaching carbon neutrality, but also giving active support to all actions aimed to protect the ecological balance.

BeeLife is well aware of the ongoing commitment to the environmental and social sustainability of many companies. The association is willing to engage with these companies, that is why BeeLife is a member of the 1% for the planet initiative, that brings together companies (who are willing to dedicate 1% of their sales revenue for the protection of the planet) with environmental organisations. BeeLife creates win-win situations, which are beneficial for the environment and the European beekeeping sector while helping companies with their sustainability.

Oscar Panseri (CEO of Chimiver) said: “Aware of our role in the chemical sector, Chimiver has been promoting environmentally friendly activities for many years. Environmental protection is the base of our Corporate Social Responsibility Programme, all Chimiver products are conceived, designed and manufactured in order to safeguard applicators’ health and offer high-quality standards to end customers. For these reasons we are very glad and proud to support BeeLife, we want to be an active part in building a better future for the next generations.

Francesco Panella president of BeeLife European Beekeeping Coordination added “We are very pleased with the support received from Chimiver, which is not only a charitable donation but grants us the possibility to strengthen our activities such as advocating for the reduction of synthetic pesticides by 80% by 2030 in EU agriculture and the EU reform of agriculture statistics.

We hope this collaboration between BeeLife and Chimiver is the start of fruitful work ahead, to build a healthy, socially and environmentally responsible future where pollinators and people can thrive, not only in Italy but across the globe.

About BeeLife European Beekeeping Coordination

BeeLife European Beekeeping Coordination is an NGO formed by professionals of the beekeeping sector from different countries of the European Union. BeeLife works for the protection of pollinators in Europe, highlighting their value for nature and people. With 25 members (beekeeping and farming associations) from 12 different European countries, BeeLife links policy, science and field observations to promote a more sustainable future for pollinators and their role in ecosystems.

About Chimiver

Chimiver is the market leader in Italy in the sector of products for glueing, treating, and maintaining wooden floors and it's present in more than 60 countries all over the world with its solutions dedicated to all kinds of floor: parquet, resilients, resin, indoor and outdoor.

The company is fully committed to environmental protection: recycled packaging, renewable raw materials, ecological and eco-sustainable products.

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For more information please contact:

At BeeLife European Beekeeping Coordination: Kata Gócs, Communications Officer, or visit

At Chimiver: Andrea Trivella, Marketing Manager, or visit


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