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Beekeepers protests in Romania against neonicotinoids and fipronil

Bucarest, 9 october 2014.

Friday 9 october a delegation of beekeepers protested in front of the Agricultural Ministry in Bucharest where the conference 'Forum for the Future of Agriculture' was taking place. Romania is one of the few countries in the EU requesting to continue using neonicotinoids, despite of the ban imposed by the European Commission last year. Beekeepers in their protection cloths and human-size bees reminded the Minister and the arable crop producers the importance to protect bees and other pollinators from these dangerous insecticides.

The conference was organised by ELO (European Land Owners), Syngenta and LAPAR (Romanian Farmers Union). Mr Baciu, president of LAPAR, not only minimised the importance of beekeepers for food security and biodiversity, but also as engine of rural development and families economy. Indeed, he threatened beekeepers with the cultivation of plants that require no pollination. As it appears, his intention is to push Romanians to eat only bread.

In Romania, 2014 has been probably the worst beekeeping year among the last 40-50 years. There are over 100 commercialised products using neonicotinoids as active ingredient. The Agricultural Ministry has requested to the Commission an exemption of the ban for clothianidin and imidacloprid on oilseed rape, meaning that the seeds of oilseed rape can be continue to be treated and planted in this country. Oilseed rape is a highly attractive plant for pollinators.


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