Tactics Used by Agro-Chemical Industries to Impose and Maintain Harmful Pesticides on the Market
In 2013, the European Commission imposed restrictions on the use of three neonicotinoid insecticides (clothianidin, thiamethoxam and imidacloprid) following recognition by the EFSA of their extreme toxicity for bees.
After the imposition of this partial ban, a lot of fuss was heard around the toxicity of these substances. One could hear all sorts of contradictory statements on the impact or absence of impact of neonicotinoids on bees. Of course, this fuss served well for spreading the doubt on the matter of toxic chemicals responsible for strong declines in bee populations.
Bee Life gathered all arguments concerning bees heard against the restrictions applied to these substances in a document, along with an explanation of their fallacious nature. This argumentation is indeed aimed only at maintaining on the market deathly pesticides for bees, putting at risk our insect pollinators, our environment and our food security.
In the light of the current re-assessment of these substances, directed by the EFSA and that should be released in 2017, Bee Life calls for a transparent and non-influenced by such biased arguments assessment of the risk of neonicotinoids.
Francesco Panella, president of Bee Life, said today: ”With this report European beekeepers aim to put an end to the disinformation occurring around the question of toxicity of neonicotinoid insecticides for bees and our environment. We can only hope that our contribution will lead to severe measures of protection taken in the interest of bees.”
Bee Life European Beekeeping Coordination Tel: +32 10 47 16 34 Place Croix du Sud, 4 bte L7.07.09 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve info@bee-life.eu www.bee-life.eu