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Stay buzzing with the latest updates on pollinator protection, biodiversity, and our fight for a greener future!
May 7, 2013
Letter to Commissioner Borg - Neonicotinoids and future challenges 07-05-2013
Letter sent to Commissioner Borg concerning the latest developments on the dossier neonicotinoid insecticides at the moment and the new...
Apr 30, 2013
Europe on the right track to protect bees!
EU-wide citizens’ actions and petitions in support of the European Commission’s proposal to prohibit three neonicotinoid insecticides...
Apr 3, 2013
Proceedings: Farming without neonicotinoids: Yes, we can!
The proceedings of the Conference ‘Pollinator friendly farming is possible’ held on the 22nd of March 2013 at the European Parliament,...
Mar 21, 2013
Farming without neonicotinoids Report on the conference “Pollinator friendly farming is possible”
Does agriculture need neonicotinoids? Neonicotinoid use is unjustified. Neonicotinoid insecticides are commonly used as a so-called...
Jul 3, 2012
French prohibition of Cruiser OSR: Stéphane Le Foll takes a first step in the right direction. When
France has banned the Cruiser OSR (on oilseed rape). This decision goes in the right direction, but the Minister Stéphane Le Foll cannot...
Jun 13, 2012
Honeybee disappearance: will the Authorities finally act?
Neonicotinoids and phenylpyrazoles, two families of pesticides used since the 90’s are accused to be at the origin of the massive...
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